Best Quality, Pure Fresh, Organic Camel Milk near me in Mumbai.
Best Quality, Pure Fresh, and Organic camel milk and is supplied as unpasturised in 1 litre bottles.
The camels are free roaming and are able to forage on a wide variety of trees, shrubs and wild grasses.
We are committed to bringing you camel milk in the most natural form possible. Our farming practices are ethical and we treat our animals with love and care.
Camel milk is rich in many nutrients that are important for overall health. Camel milk helps in controlling autistic symptoms and also helps in curing autism due to the antioxidant properties of camel milk. Camel milk lowers blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Milk contains insulin-like proteins, which may be responsible for its anti-diabetic activity. Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels.
Camel milk has anti-inflammatory properties that may benefit the autistic brain. This means that camel milk can help reduce oxidative stress and promote more positive behaviors and interactions. These advances may help overcome some of the behavioral and social behaviors associated with autism, such as increased eye contact.
Camel milk contains insulin-like proteins, which may be anti-diabetic. It is also high in zinc, an important mineral that can help manage blood sugar levels and the complications that come with it.
Camel milk is known to help treat edema, jaundice, diabetes, and diarrhea, and helps cure cancer. Investigations by experts have revealed that camel milk has a strong ulcer-healing effect.
Another benefit may be for people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes and need some type of insulin. This is because camel milk is low in sugars and cholesterol while still providing nutrients and antioxidants.
Camel milk is one of such revolutionary food product which has been used since many centuries in middles eastern areas but in most of the other cultures, it is still considered as a taboo. Many people are still not now aware of the health benefits of the camel milk and one of the main reason for that is the lack of awareness. In the recent few years, lots of research has been carried out that proves the efficiency of this modern world product.
There are many research that proves the efficiency of the camel milk in Autism, Diabetes, fatigues etc. One of such similar research proves that camel milk is an optimum solution for children suffering from food allergies and in some cases, it can even cure them.
Why choose camel milk for allergies?
Camel milk is a lot different than the cow milk in its properties. Rather compared to the cow milk which contains beta-lactoglobulin which is its main protein and in some case act like an allergies agent which can cause intense allergies in the kids and even adults, camel milk doesn’t have such proteins.
This is one of the main reason why children who are prone to allergies after using cow milk can even try camel milk without any issue. It doesn’t even have any side effects compared to the cow milk. People with lactose intolerance can also use it.
It has less fat and sugars and does not have proteins that could induce allergic reactions, unlike cow’s milk. This study was done on children to assess the effect of camel milk in improving resistance to food allergy.
Camel milk has a positive effect on food allergies and the improvements that it brings are also rapid. It has also been reported to treat other diseases related to the immune system. In most Arab countries, feeding camel milk to children is a common practice. It is recommended when treating immune-related disorders, as the antibodies in camel milk are 10 times smaller than those in the human body.
Good For Allergic Children
If your child suffers from various allergies from different foods then camel milk is your answer. This is due to the presence of disease-fighting immunoglobulins, which help reduce allergies and their symptoms.
Camel milk helps curb autistic symptoms and even help eliminate autism thanks to the antioxidant properties of camel milk.
The antioxidants present in the milk have proven to be a great remedy for eliminating free-radicals, helping cure afflictions like pigmentation and cancerous cells. This ensures that it combats oxidative stress. It is also known that the antioxidant property of camel milk helps in controlling and reducing the symptoms of cancer.
Camel Milk contains alpha-hydroxyl acid which helps smoothen fine lines and prevents wrinkles.
The anti-inflammatory agent in camel milk treats cough and bronchitis. It also helps in relieving arthritic and rheumatic pains.
This milk contains many agents which help in controlling and preventing diabetes. It has an insulin-like protein, which helps reduce the effect of diabetes.
Good For Weight Loss
Camel milk is low in fat. Which means that you will not put on unwanted weight or struggle with high levels of cholesterol. The insulin in this milk regulates blood sugar and keeps it balanced.
While Camel Milk is said to have many health benefits, J F Goat Farm does not claim that Camel Milk heals or will help your health in any way.